Kongre Tıp Kitabevi Dahili Tıp Birimleri Yabancı Yayınlar
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Yabancı Yayınlar
Toplam 63 sonuç bulundu.
- Tükendi
Dermatology Illustrated Study Guide and Comprehens...
3,897.60 TL Urgent Care Dermatology
904.00 TLSEPETE EKLEDiagnostic Imaging of the Head and Neck
8,100.34 TLSEPETE EKLESelf-Assessment in Head and Neck Surgery and Oncol...
4,706.95 TLSEPETE EKLENeurology: Neonatology Questions and Controversies...
3,648.80 TLSEPETE EKLEMolecular Anatomic Imaging
11,603.18 TLSEPETE EKLEImaging of the Brain
11,493.72 TLSEPETE EKLEDiagnostic Ultrasound, 2-Volume Set, 5e
12,770.80 TLSEPETE EKLECutaneous Soft Tissue Tumors
14,850.62 TLSEPETE EKLE- Tükendi
Atlas of Clinical Nuclear Medicine, 3e
10,125.22 TL Andreoli and Carpenter's Cecil Essentials of Medic...
2,809.58 TLSEPETE EKLEWilliams Textbook of Endocrinology, 13e
7,297.60 TLSEPETE EKLEThyroid Cytopathology
12,405.92 TLSEPETE EKLENeuroscience: Exploring the Brain, 4e
4,816.42 TLSEPETE EKLEClinical Anatomy of the Face for Filler and Botuli...
6,202.96 TLSEPETE EKLE- Tükendi
The Johns Hopkins Internal Medicine Board Review, ...
3,648.80 TL Harrisons Principles of Internal Medicine Self-Ass...
150.00 TLSEPETE EKLEDermatology A Pictorial Review
4,488.02 TLSEPETE EKLERemington and Klein's Infectious Diseases of the F...
8,392.24 TLSEPETE EKLEBotulinum Toxin, 4e
4,743.44 TLSEPETE EKLELasers and Lights, 4e
4,743.44 TLSEPETE EKLE- Tükendi
Pictorial Atlas of Botulinum Toxin Injection
5,261.76 TL - Tükendi
Illustrated Guide to Aesthetic Botulinum Toxin Inj...
7,115.16 TL Illustrated Atlas of Esthetic Mesotherapy
16,000.00 TLSEPETE EKLE- Tükendi
Illustrated Guide to Chemical Peels
7,115.16 TL - Tükendi
Illustrated Guide to Percutaneous Collagen Inducti...
6,494.86 TL CURRENT Diagnosis and Treatment Pediatrics
3,940.70 TLSEPETE EKLENeonatology, 7e
2,590.65 TLSEPETE EKLEAvery's Diseases of the Newborn, 10e
6,932.72 TLSEPETE EKLEPediatric Secrets, 6e
850.00 TLSEPETE EKLENeonatology Case-Based Review
2,809.58 TLSEPETE EKLEThe 5-Minute Pediatric Consult Standard Edition
3,648.80 TLSEPETE EKLEZitelli and Davis Atlas of Pediatric Physical Diag...
6,202.96 TLSEPETE EKLEThe Harriet Lane Handbook, 21e
2,006.84 TLSEPETE EKLESmith Recognizable Patterns of Human Malformation
4,013.68 TLSEPETE EKLENelson Textbook of Pediatrics, 2-Volume Set, 21st ...
6,567.84 TLSEPETE EKLEClinical Electrocardiography, 9e
2,554.16 TLSEPETE EKLEGrossman Angiography and Intervention
9,194.98 TLSEPETE EKLEEvidence-Based Cardiology
2,627.14 TLSEPETE EKLEHurst the Heart Manual of Cardiology, 14e
10,289.62 TLSEPETE EKLEEndocrine Secrets
1,131.00 TLSEPETE EKLEClinical Arrhythmology and Electrophysiology
7,698.97 TLSEPETE EKLEPrinciples of Cardiovascular Radiology
3,648.80 TLSEPETE EKLEIntroduction to Vascular Ultrasonography
4,706.95 TLSEPETE EKLELangman's Medical Embryology
3,028.50 TLSEPETE EKLEFanaroff and Martin's Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine,...
10,946.40 TLSEPETE EKLECleveland Clinic Intensive Review of Pediatrics
4,013.68 TLSEPETE EKLENeonatal and Pediatric Respiratory Care